Sunday, August 30, 2009

RE: Dedicated to Alvanopoulos

Three comments on your post sweety:

1. It's always wise to avoid generalizing based on your own experiences.
2. It's always wise to avoid generalizing based on your one beliefs.
3. Please don't blame everything on men. We both know it's not fair.

This is my version of the story. The past 20 years women became more independent in the modern Western society. 20 years ago, a woman was afraid to cheat on her husband because of a. the public outcry b. there was usually no way to survice (either financially or socially) without consequences. You wanna hear about 40 years ago? They would probably torture you in public and drag you in the streets of Edinburgh, calling you a "witch" and throwing all kinds of vegetables on you. Would you try to do this in Saudi Arabia, Iran or any other hardcore muslim country? Don't really think so.

The "place" of a woman was, anyway, placed more into the home than anywhere else some years ago. Cheating meant that a woman would lose her home. On the other, cheating for a man was just another capriccio. Home would lose it's man, and not the other way around.

Nowadays women have careers, their own bank account and Cosmopolitan. They don't really strive more for a family than for their own pleasure. That's a change. If you sum all this up together, you get your reason for starting cheating like hell. Women just don't care any more because they don't need it. In a way, they just seem to have waken up. And that's not necessarily bad.

But please stop the bulshit about attention, devotion, the time that we spend on you and all the ludicrous stuff included in your toilet magazines. It's really of no use. Just another way to get the attention back on you, with any way that this is possible. If you wanna fuck around, do it with an attidute. Don't blame any fucker for this, just to ease down you remorses. Do it because you wanna do it.

How many examples don't you have of women cheating on the "best guys"? Guys that only cared about their girls and nothing else. What's the excuse for those ones? How many times didn't a girl say "his extensive attention was pushing me very much and that led me to seeking for another man's heart"? Bulshit. Once you started cheating, fucking around and having fun... leave aside all the sentimental crap.

What's better? Pff. I like getting laid. But I also like the traditional kind of families. Don't really know. And don't really care...


Unknown said...

I'm sorry I was answering your question why women cheat, not why they cheat more than before. I thought the answer to that was obvious to everyone.

But you're right I should answer this question not based on my experience and belief but as an objective journalist (this is after all a newspaper we are writing for, right??)

People (not women) cheat because:

-They can.
-They think they can get away with it.
-The person hasn't become who he/she wants and needs to be or found who he/she truly wants to be with.
-What's happening at home isn't "happening" like it used to.
-There's always a woman/man out there willing to cheat with him/her.

romfea said...

A much better theory...