Sometimes, I meet people that they give one the feeling of being trapped, imprisoned in their own selves... And before you think -yes you- that this is about you, well you can decide for yourself.
My first experience with a person of this sort was an ex. She was Dutch, lived in Spain before she came over to study and adored the Mediterranean lifestyle (as most of us here do). Another great passion of hers was salsa dancing...
Hanging out with this girl was a truly unique experience for me. She liked to seat in parks (I never did before that), walking bare-foot, and enjoying "the little things" in life as these sorts of people like to say. Now, I can understand why someone might feel a bit more comfy without shoes on - I always take them out on the plane, but usually that results in my co-passenger feeling everything but comfy- but does it give me a sense of being free? NO.
Another common trait of these sort of people or “the little things" people is the fact that they cannot bare other people telling them that they have to do something or that something is forced upon them.
It has to "feel" free, like the wind in their hair, or the ALWAYS serviettes up the own a**. Jesus people go to the bushes then! Some, if not most, good things in life have resulted because of force! Nothing really "just happens".. Religion, friendships, love (how may dinners/drinks do you have to have before love kicks in???) and all sorts of stuff don't just happen!
The only good thing that resulted by accident is probably the discovery of beer. IF WE WANT THINGS TO WORK WE HAVE TO FORCE THEM, WE HAVE TO MAKE SACRIFICES WE HAVE TO TRY.
Anyway back to our story, so time was going by with this girl; it was great, I was probably in love. She made me like all those "little things"; I think I was turning to one of these "little things” people myself.
(Here probably the reader will think that there is actually a story with a climax, but there isn't really).
Anyway things where going great/ok, we were running at beach, playing ball, laying on a towel until one of these sand-trucks almost hit us in the dark. Great times.
Spending more time with her I discovered another distinctive characteristic of the "little things" people (they have more). They all claim that money is not important, or even worse they hate it, it should not exist; everyone should trade with goods (barter system in the world of economics), so a goat for 3 chickens, some cheese for some ham, some bread for some fruit. WHAT A LOAD OF C**** if you ask me! While you’re at it why you “little things” people don’t, grow your armpit hair and hide in some caves in Kreta and have plenty of sex with like-minded "little things" people. While I agree that money is not the most important thing in life (albeit close), it is vital for our well-being, is a measure of success ( but by no means the only one), a proxy for hard work, intelligence, ambition, greed, self-confidence and lots of other VERY IMPORTANT for our life things/sentiments.
Now another final characteristic of these people, the "little things" people (and this will the last one I touch upon) is their unstoppable urge, to go far way.. Go where? They don’t know.. just go somewhere else, go to another place from which they will want go again and again and again and again until they end up to the exact same place as they were before.....
During a beautiful evening at the beach with her and as we were overlooking the sun setting, this girl asks me: “Don’t you feel like you want to go? To go far way?" pointing towards the sea. I gave her two answers both as raw and true as the roast-beef I ate for lunch.
a) Firstly I said, "Even if I wanted, I am not gonna get far that way, cause we are looking towards the UK right now"
b) My second response was "I don’t' want to leave, I m fine here, don’t feel trapped" (here is the climax of the story).
What can we conclude from all the above:
- I believe that some times, that the "little things" people are missing out on the little things that actually do matter, that are here, tangible, true and might not be there for long... although myself, I very often enjoy the "little things" in life (which is more likely to be a glass of red and a mature cheese over stepping on dog c*** barefoot in a park), I think that by constantly looking and dreaming we might be overlooking other staff that could make us feel good.
How should this message be interpreted by the reader?
I hate generalisations as much as I love them. So I admit that even the 'little things" people differ to each other. Probably if you fall into the "little things" people category some of the above might not even apply to you, (definitely a couple though) or you might completely disagree, which is also fine. This text was not written as an aphorism to "little things" people, but more as a pretext for a heated debate... Lest, we forget that the idea of this platform of communication is the spawn of a very romantic friend mine... (now, I would not dare to say whether that friend is a "little things" person-let him/her be the judge of that- and even if the answer is yes he/she will probably be proud of it)
Now if anyone made sense out of all this please le me know....
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Ξημερώνει Σάββατο...
Αντε και το πρώτο ελληνικό ποστ...
...από κάποια ολίγον τι ζαλισμένη...ολίγον τι αλλού....και με παρ-αίσθηση οτι ξημερώνει Σάββατο...
Σήμερα τραγουδούσε η big barefoot mama...Cesaria Evora!
...με ολίγον τι βοήθεια απο τα her boyzz που την περικύκλωναν με κιθάρα...τύμπανα...μπάσο...βιολί...σαξόφωνο...πιάνο...ανέβαινε τα σκαλάκια της πίστας, προχωρούσε δίπλα απο από το "μουσικό" της κομοδινάκι, με την άσπρη πετσετούλα ανάγκης έσκασα-η-δόλια, έπιανε το μικρόφωνο και εσύ απλά την άφηνες να σε παρασύρει....
Με τα φώτα να παίζουν στο βάθος σε μπλε, κόκκινο, κίτρινο, το βιολί να κάνει σόλο και να προκαλεί το σαξόφωνο...κι εμένα, με ταξιδιάρικο νου, να προσθέτω τον ήχο του κύματος που σκάει στο ακρογιάλι και να ρωτώ τον romfea "Πού είναι τα μοχίτος?!" ...κι αυτός στην ίδια συχνότητα να δηλώνει..."Τεκίλα, θέλει τώρα"
Γυρνούσα απο εδώ...κοιτούσα απο εκεί...
Ολλανδοί παρατεταγμένοι...στρατιωτάκια ακούνητα...αγαλματάκια αλύγιστα..."Μωρε νοιώστε λίγο!!! Μα τίποτα δεν πάλλεται μέσα σας!"
Γυρνούσα απο εδώ....στριφογύρναγα απο εκεί...τρωγόμουνα...δεν άντεχα....ώσπου βρέθηκε ο χώρος που θα γινόταν πίστα...και έβγαλα την μπέμπελη απο τα λεκανολικνίσματα! :-)
"Βροχερή φωνή" είπε...και ήταν τα λόγια που μπορούσαν απόλυτα να την χαρακτηρίσουν...
Το νερό στα κανάλια νομίζω οτι κοιμάται κι αυτό σε ρυθμούς φωτός.
Κάθε βραδυ γίνεται καθρέφτης...τόσο ελκυστικό...που μια στάση για ένα τσιγαράκι μέσα σε μια βαρκούλα, καθώς κάνεις τον έμπειρο θαλασσοπόρο και τα χέρια σου γίνονται μαύρα απο το γανωμένο τιμόνι και όλους τους μοχλούς που το κινούν...(θυμόμαστε απο πού ξεκίνησε η προταση, οχί?)...είναι κάτι διαφορετικό.
Τα μάτια κλείνουν...κι αύριο έχω τα πρέπει που θα ξυπνήσουν και θα μου χτυπούν κουδουνάκια στο κεφάλι...και καθώς θα σας πώ καληνύχτα κι όνειρα καλοκαιρίνα...λίγο Moby για να φορτσάρει κι άλλο η φαντασία... ;-p
Καλό μας Σαββατοκύριακο :-)
...από κάποια ολίγον τι ζαλισμένη...ολίγον τι αλλού....και με παρ-αίσθηση οτι ξημερώνει Σάββατο...
Σήμερα τραγουδούσε η big barefoot mama...Cesaria Evora!
...με ολίγον τι βοήθεια απο τα her boyzz που την περικύκλωναν με κιθάρα...τύμπανα...μπάσο...βιολί...σαξόφωνο...πιάνο...ανέβαινε τα σκαλάκια της πίστας, προχωρούσε δίπλα απο από το "μουσικό" της κομοδινάκι, με την άσπρη πετσετούλα ανάγκης έσκασα-η-δόλια, έπιανε το μικρόφωνο και εσύ απλά την άφηνες να σε παρασύρει....
Με τα φώτα να παίζουν στο βάθος σε μπλε, κόκκινο, κίτρινο, το βιολί να κάνει σόλο και να προκαλεί το σαξόφωνο...κι εμένα, με ταξιδιάρικο νου, να προσθέτω τον ήχο του κύματος που σκάει στο ακρογιάλι και να ρωτώ τον romfea "Πού είναι τα μοχίτος?!" ...κι αυτός στην ίδια συχνότητα να δηλώνει..."Τεκίλα, θέλει τώρα"
Γυρνούσα απο εδώ...κοιτούσα απο εκεί...
Ολλανδοί παρατεταγμένοι...στρατιωτάκια ακούνητα...αγαλματάκια αλύγιστα..."Μωρε νοιώστε λίγο!!! Μα τίποτα δεν πάλλεται μέσα σας!"
Γυρνούσα απο εδώ....στριφογύρναγα απο εκεί...τρωγόμουνα...δεν άντεχα....ώσπου βρέθηκε ο χώρος που θα γινόταν πίστα...και έβγαλα την μπέμπελη απο τα λεκανολικνίσματα! :-)
"Βροχερή φωνή" είπε...και ήταν τα λόγια που μπορούσαν απόλυτα να την χαρακτηρίσουν...
Το νερό στα κανάλια νομίζω οτι κοιμάται κι αυτό σε ρυθμούς φωτός.
Κάθε βραδυ γίνεται καθρέφτης...τόσο ελκυστικό...που μια στάση για ένα τσιγαράκι μέσα σε μια βαρκούλα, καθώς κάνεις τον έμπειρο θαλασσοπόρο και τα χέρια σου γίνονται μαύρα απο το γανωμένο τιμόνι και όλους τους μοχλούς που το κινούν...(θυμόμαστε απο πού ξεκίνησε η προταση, οχί?)...είναι κάτι διαφορετικό.
Τα μάτια κλείνουν...κι αύριο έχω τα πρέπει που θα ξυπνήσουν και θα μου χτυπούν κουδουνάκια στο κεφάλι...και καθώς θα σας πώ καληνύχτα κι όνειρα καλοκαιρίνα...λίγο Moby για να φορτσάρει κι άλλο η φαντασία... ;-p
Καλό μας Σαββατοκύριακο :-)
In my dreams I'm dying all the time
As I wake its kaleidoscopic mind
I never meant to hurt you
I never meant to lie
So this is Goodbye
This is Goodbye
Tell the truth you never wanted me
Tell me
In my dreams I'm jealous all the time
As I wake I'm going out of my mind
Going out of my mind
As I wake its kaleidoscopic mind
I never meant to hurt you
I never meant to lie
So this is Goodbye
This is Goodbye
Tell the truth you never wanted me
Tell me
In my dreams I'm jealous all the time
As I wake I'm going out of my mind
Going out of my mind
Monday, June 29, 2009
Still no content
Thats what I meant with no content fellow followers!
On another point I think our name is to "thirio-inspired". ( No complains there since it was thirio who openned the blog)
I would suggest another one.. a name more adapted to the harsh reality that we all live...
You probably have heard the famous blog g700. (If not you are probably an idiot or leaving on another sphere. )
The name, g700 signifies the level of pay (€700) that a young greek will take home during his/her first years of emplyement in the birthplace of demoracy, art, civilization, culture and eventual demise of the aforementioned...
Very much in line with the "WE" message I suggest we take an average of our salaries and name our blog G2,333+25 days of holiday from the first year Suckers!!!!
(according to my rough estimations thats the average salary of us six, without counting for mama's papa's money which of course some of us still get!! ) It will be a statement to all young greeks out there that the solution is infornt of their eyes!
I already know that my fellow contributors will find my suggesttion lame, not romantic or, inquisitive enough....Maybe even a bit provokative pffff!
well I just felt like suggesting it! (I hate romantic bull*** anyways)
On another point I think our name is to "thirio-inspired". ( No complains there since it was thirio who openned the blog)
I would suggest another one.. a name more adapted to the harsh reality that we all live...
You probably have heard the famous blog g700. (If not you are probably an idiot or leaving on another sphere. )
The name, g700 signifies the level of pay (€700) that a young greek will take home during his/her first years of emplyement in the birthplace of demoracy, art, civilization, culture and eventual demise of the aforementioned...
Very much in line with the "WE" message I suggest we take an average of our salaries and name our blog G2,333+25 days of holiday from the first year Suckers!!!!
(according to my rough estimations thats the average salary of us six, without counting for mama's papa's money which of course some of us still get!! ) It will be a statement to all young greeks out there that the solution is infornt of their eyes!
I already know that my fellow contributors will find my suggesttion lame, not romantic or, inquisitive enough....Maybe even a bit provokative pffff!
well I just felt like suggesting it! (I hate romantic bull*** anyways)
sedond message (with content)
Well I was saying that the birth of our new blog has coincided with an act of stupidity from my behalf, which reinforces the reasons why my fellow contributors and to a large extend friends praised me with the Pseudonym that you see on this blog!
What sort of an idiot buys €500 worth of sunglasses when he lives in a country that there is hardly any sun, and even if there was these kind of things are not appreciated anyways!
I was regretting already before I said "I ll take them" or to be more precise "Je vais le prendre"
or to be even more precise what I was actually saying was " Yes I m an idiot, make me €500 poorer for no f*** reason". What was even more stupid is the fact that today I was not wearing my contact lenses, but my glasses... So effectively I could have just picked them up and not try them on at all, or have the ethnic sales man try them on for me because without my glasses I am more blind than a bling rat (a.ka. tyflopontika)
Well I guess I have to live up to my Name, don' I?
What sort of an idiot buys €500 worth of sunglasses when he lives in a country that there is hardly any sun, and even if there was these kind of things are not appreciated anyways!
I was regretting already before I said "I ll take them" or to be more precise "Je vais le prendre"
or to be even more precise what I was actually saying was " Yes I m an idiot, make me €500 poorer for no f*** reason". What was even more stupid is the fact that today I was not wearing my contact lenses, but my glasses... So effectively I could have just picked them up and not try them on at all, or have the ethnic sales man try them on for me because without my glasses I am more blind than a bling rat (a.ka. tyflopontika)
Well I guess I have to live up to my Name, don' I?
First message (with a content)
Aha after the first testing message, I believe I ll have the honour of posting the first message, with real content. (Frankly I believe that I will also be the second one with my second posting, since most likely my fellow contributors cannot come up with anything with a real content anyways!)
Actually the inauguration of our beloved blog, coincides with another great event/incident that just happened to me a few hours ago.
( Going to continue with a second message cause I don’t want to loose the first real posting)
Actually the inauguration of our beloved blog, coincides with another great event/incident that just happened to me a few hours ago.
( Going to continue with a second message cause I don’t want to loose the first real posting)
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