Monday, June 29, 2009

sedond message (with content)

Well I was saying that the birth of our new blog has coincided with an act of stupidity from my behalf, which reinforces the reasons why my fellow contributors and to a large extend friends praised me with the Pseudonym that you see on this blog!

What sort of an idiot buys €500 worth of sunglasses when he lives in a country that there is hardly any sun, and even if there was these kind of things are not appreciated anyways!
I was regretting already before I said "I ll take them" or to be more precise "Je vais le prendre"
or to be even more precise what I was actually saying was " Yes I m an idiot, make me €500 poorer for no f*** reason". What was even more stupid is the fact that today I was not wearing my contact lenses, but my glasses... So effectively I could have just picked them up and not try them on at all, or have the ethnic sales man try them on for me because without my glasses I am more blind than a bling rat (a.ka. tyflopontika)

Well I guess I have to live up to my Name, don' I?

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