Thursday, October 22, 2009

On cheating (a continuation of the post Dedicated to Alvanopoulos)

On cheating (a continuation of the post Dedicated to Alvanopoulos)
I know that I have been away from this blog for while. There are two main reasons for this: a)I had nothing important to say (write) and b) I am currently seating next to my boss. So my apologies for this and I reassure you that I intend to be more involved in the future.

While reading some of your posts (and by some I mean all except Θηριου, which hardly ever make any sense to the reader), I could not help noticing the short debate over the reasons why women cheat. Being very interested on the subject, as any male would be, I have my own opinion about this (of course I do).

I have to apologize in advance, but once more I will have to be caustic and judgmental. This time however, I will not pick on our romantic female co-bloger and wanderer in this little journey. This time it is Miss Drama Queen (DQ) that’s going to hear it. Why? Because simply all she wrote in this article about women, it is plain nonsense. And before you turn red and turn-off the PC or start writing your counter-attack just take 5 minutes and read. Since ING does not want to put my analytical skills to work, I have carefully examined your writing and came up with the following remarks.

Before reading the rest of the document, please bear in mind that the comments are purely related to the post as posted and do not try to insult anyone. The writer understands that personal circumstances differ greatly per case and that some of the content which is criticized might be completely justified if those personal circumstances are taken into account. However, in this blog, we (I) do not give a F*** F**** about personal circumstances. Those who wish not being criticized should write their thoughts in their diary. (Which I m sure some of you have).

General Comments
I agree with Romfea (what a gay name btw), that what DQ wrote is just her own opinion. -And please don’t get me wrong here; I am sure that a lot of females will identify themselves with this line of reasoning. However this does not account for all women, just the insecure ones and shallow in feelings; the self-confident ones have different reasons to cheat-.
What DQ wrote is simply her own interpretation, her own reasoning, and a text full of easy-to-spot contradictions and misuse of words and concepts like love.

Like my esteemed colleague Nietzsche once said : “How can something derive from its opposite????” How can love be fake or shallow??? , how can you feel love from something ephemeral????
Then it is simply not love, but the illusion of love. And like my friend Sigmund Feud explains in his book The Future of an Illusion, such illusions are simply the product of a simple human need. The need to believe what is convenient to believe, simply to address some inherent complexes from its childhood. (Freud on religion)

Now let’s address each paragraph separately:
Paragraph two
Reading on the first paragraph one can immediately spot some words, which in combination with the rest of the text scream the need for attention and expose one’s insecurity. Words such as abandoned, rejected, unloved, which in combination with the simple fact that they guy just went on holidays should trigger the alarm bells, church bells and any other moving, sound-making bell existing ( if not completely destroy them !!!!!!!!). If you still did not get it, it’s a sign of insecurity and beyond reasonable possessive behavior.
Paragraph three
“Another part of women will realize that they too have to get their own interests”. What person in the 20th century writes this kind of sentence? HONEY WAKE THE F*** UP!!!! Women have had their own interests long time ago. If you were to hung up on your boyfriends and their interest and every time he went out you sat line the Penelope in the house (par. Two) that is your fault and only. (One could also simply say GET A LIFE!!!) And if you cannot watch a sunset without cheating on your boyfriend, then you re-affirm my first comments about your interpretation and misuse of the word love! (IF YOU LOVE AND TRUST SOMEONE, EVERYTIME YOU SEE THE SUN SETTING YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT THEM AND THE NEXT TIME YOU SEE THEM, NOT TRY TO LOOK FOR AN QUICK REPLACEMENT).

Paragraph four
Now that one is a real winner. Any paragraph that starts by claiming that women want less than men, is at the least foul. Not saying that men want less but they certainly don’t want more. And btw this more & less thing is very subjective. Are we talking here quantity (so number of wants), are we talking about depth (so how profound are the things one wants) etc, etc. So actually, I m not going to discuss this further since it makes no sense. What I would like to comment on is that if your men are not repeatedly there, that means that they don’t really want you. GET OVER IT. So look around for whatever you want cause probably deep down they don’t really care!!!!!

Paragraph five
OF course we want faithful women. Are we going to give them everything they want even if that compromises our wants and needs?? HELL NO!!! Why not??? BECAUSE THIS IS NOT LOVE EITHER HONEY. Love is about balancing needs and wants of two people. If the B**** is crazy, are we going to be stupid enough to give in to all her unreasonable requests?? Guess again!!!! (the answer of course is no)

Closing comments
At the end cheating is choice. Two very different women might get disappointed by the same things but they will react differently. If indeed love and romance is all you women want and need, the decent girl will just leave the guy that is not offering that. The indecent one will not, she will cheat until she finds a replacement because she is probably afraid to be alone……… (Same accounts for males of course)

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