Wednesday, July 1, 2009

your usual Tuesday night

Last night me and George sat and watched crap on TV while drinking 2 liters of coke, which kept us awake longer than we would have liked on a Tuesday night/ Wednesday morning. George likes TV and when you put him in front of it, it's like a small child watching it for the first time, totally fascinated by the images that move in a flat rectangular-shaped frame (May we note here that George does not have TV at home). The temperature in the apartment was slowly rising to 26 degrees and not because of anything me and George were doing. I was a bit reluctant to open the balcony door as a few days earlier having done that, Davina fell off from it on the street. In any case I thought Davina had learned her lesson by now and would be a little more careful around the edges. She was. Unfortunately Howard wasn't and we lost him trying to catch a bug (Bugs fly Howard, cats don't!). I guess he learned that last night too, or did he? I could not find him when I stormed downstairs but George with his more calm approach spotted him straight away and we took him upstairs.
It might as well rain all summer like they say, since I am going to be trapped indoors with the balcony an area I cannot escape to any longer (not without the risk of losing my cats anyway).

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